
Wednesday, 4 September 2019

FO3 The Pitt Troggs

This mod is an Add On for my FO3 creature mod.
It covers the Pitt Troggs. It can be used seperate.
The creature mod is not required. The model comes from Dragbody.


FO3 The Pitt Troggs

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Kirin Mount. Yakkuru model swap

this is just a simple model replacer for the Yakkuru mount for SLE.
just download the Yakkuru mount and use its esp alongside my model.
the original model comes from Cangloong city.

have fun.

Yakkuru dowload

Kirin Yakkuru Model

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

FO3 Gatorclaws

Fallout 3 Point Lookout Gatorclaws
it became worst...the swampfolk started to tame mutated alligators. the radiated fog did horrible things to them...Massive size, extremely fast and always hungry. rumors said there is a giant monster deeply hidden in the swamps...feeding its babies with the restless souls of lone wanderers like you. are you brave enough to go on the big hunt?

This mod adds a new type of enemies (no replacement). the gatorclaws. better known from Fallout4 (not the same model)
They have unique stats and loot. (added some ammo / armor / misc loot since they eat everything) perception is low so you really should sneak since they are as strong if not much stronger as Deathclaws. There is a Gatorclaw Mother boss hidden somewere i wont tell you were she is. very well hidden in her nest. they are allied with the swamp folk so they wont attack them but everything else. you cant find them on the coast or on dry land. they will only live in the swampy areas close to the rivers. beware and play carefully...there are many of them and sometimes hidden in the water.


FO3 Gatorclaws

Monday, 29 July 2019

DS and BB Music for Skyrim

Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne complete music overhaul for Skyrim. Pre alpha 1.0

this mod replaces explore / dungeon / town / village / combat and other music from skyrim with tracks from Dark souls and Bloodborne


DS sounds for Skyrim

DS illustrated Loading Screens


DS and BB Music

SLE Animation Pack 2.0

Animation Pack ! V. 2.0
all animations will be used by NPC's too
these are meshes only. no esp !
FNIS / Realistic ragdolls and force / xp32 extended are required / customizable camera is highly recommended
this pack contains:
animations for 1h full / 2h sword full / 2h axe power attacks / 2h hammer power attacks / magic full / get up / block bash / dual wield full / archery full / unarmed full / crossbow/musket animations full / idles for 1h, bow, crossbow/musket, dual wield, 2h, running, walking, sneak, jump unarmed and swimm animations
does not contain:
normal 2h axe / normal 2h hammer
mods used:
- xidix unarmed animations
- block bash kick animations
- pretty combat animations
- musketeer animations
- witcher wolf school animations
- beasty greatsword animations
- new animation for get up
- yy anim replacer mystic knight
- yy anim replacer natural jump
- yy anim replacer zweihänder
- Mofu one handed power attack
- Px79 Dual Wield Animation
- enderal swimm animations